Batteries included Electron.js + React.js project boilerplate

Everything you need to start your next project including a landing page, blog and payments integration.

Get up and running in a few hours not days

Login users, process payments and collect analytics data easily. Spend your time building your app not trying to integrate React libraries with Electron.


- user login (email + social)
- reset password via deeplinks
- protected pages
- row level security
- Postgress database
- user profile table with subscription info


- TailwindCSS by default
- Beautiful components from ShadCN
- Dark mode
- Login/Signup/Navbar components


- Google Analytics for landing page & blog
- Amplitude for in-app events
- Mezmo for collecting client-side logs


- Stripe integration for subscription management
- Webhooks handled via Edge Functions
- UI for managing subscription in app


- landing page project you can use to launch your product online
- Next.js + TailwindCSS blog template to boost your SEO traffic
- Changelog page

Developer Experience

- TypeScript
- Shared types between backend and frontend
- Monorepo with pnpm
- Local dev environment using docker-compose
- Prettier, ESLint, conventional-commits, changelog generation

We've also got distribution and auto-updates covered

Use electron-forge to build apps for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Distribute them either as a direct download or via Microsoft Store or Apple Mac App Store.


Let us help you decide which would be the best or most cost effective way to distribute your Electron app depending on your target audience.


We know how frustrating it can be to build auto-update functionality in Electron from scratch. Our custom auto-update library will save you a lot of headaches.

Save hours of development time so you can actually work on what matters

$100 off for the first 100 customers (100 left).




  • Electron + React + Tailwind boilerplate

  • Next.js landing page

  • SEO & blog

  • payment processing

  • analytics

  • log tracing




  • Everything in Standard

  • 5h of priority support

  • get help in setting up Store accounts

  • get help with your first submission

Subscribe to get notified when you can try it

We're still working on putting everything together and we will let you know when you can 'git clone' the boilerplate and start working on your next big idea.

© Untitled. All rights reserved.

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-E62Y5PX9B7');

Thank you!

We'll send an email as soon as we have everything ready.